Shelby County Schools New Teacher Mentoring Program

All new teachers with less than 2 years of experience will participate in our New Teacher Mentoring (NTM) program. Each new teacher will be assigned a trained mentor to guide and support him or her through their first and second year.
Shelby County Schools New Teacher Mentoring Program includes the following content:
Alabama Educator Code of Ethics
New Teacher Center Mentoring Resources
District Collaboration Calendar (Facilitates learning based on district curriculum and expectations)
Quick Facts about Shelby County Schools New Teacher Mentoring Program
Mentors have a minimum of 3 years experience, 5 is preferred
Mentors are chosen by a school-based committee
Mentors receive a $1000 stipend per year
New teachers complete 3 surveys annually to evaluate the NTM program
Documentation is submitted to the school mentor coordinators monthly
Principals, mentor coordinators, and mentors participate in district training
Year One Requirements
Collaboration and Documentation Calendar - First Year Teachers
Ongoing New Teacher Support District Meetings
Year Two Requirements