Title II, Part A
All activities under Title II are based on a needs assessment for professional development and hiring. Funds will be used to:
Recruit and hire highly qualified teachers to reduce class size
Promote retention of highly qualified teachers by implementing a teacher mentoring program
Provide professional activities that improve the knowledge of teachers and principals, and in appropriate cases, paraprofessionals
All professional development activities are:
Included in the LEA Professional Development Plan
High quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction and
Not one-day or short-term workshops or conferences
Funds will be shared equitability with private schools in the district that wish to participate.
Private Schools Served
Coosa Valley Academy
163 Park Street
Harpersville, AL 35078
Contact: Pam Lovelady
Cornerstone Christian School
24975 Hwy 25
Columbiana, AL 35051
Contact: Margaret Pickett
Our Lady of the Valley School
4414 Double Oak Lane
Birmingham, AL 35242
Contact: Andy Rothery
Westminster at Oak Mountain
5080 Cahaba Valley Trace
Birmingham, AL 35242
Contact: Katie Moody