Dyslexia Resources

What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia Specific Support in Alabama
The Alabama State Board of Education Dyslexia Resolution was approved April 8, 2015. The Dyslexia Resolution defined dyslexia, recognized the educational implications, called for the creation of a Dyslexia Advisory Council, and called for revision of the Alabama Administrative Code to address dyslexia and subsequent services needed to ensure the success of students with dyslexia. In addition, the Literacy Act passed in 2019 further outlines strategies, incentives, and interventions specific to the science of reading for grades K-3.
Dyslexia Specific Support in the Shelby County School System
In accordance with the Alabama Literacy Act, students in grades K-3 will be given a universal screener that has been recommended by the Alabama Literacy Task Force. The results of universal screenings will be used to determine a student's need for a Student Reading Intervention Plan (SRIP). After careful progress monitoring, a student may require additional assessment and screening for characteristics of dyslexia. Students in grades 4 and 5 will also be given a universal screener to determine specific instructional needs and the possible need for additional dyslexia screening. Screening for characteristics of dyslexia will be provided for students in grades 6-12 upon parental or teacher request. Accommodations and interventions will be monitored and communicated to parents through the campus Problem Solving Team (PST).
Parent Resources
Talking to your child - Yale.edu
Talking to your child - KidsHealth.org
Video - What is Dyslexia?
Video - What is Dyscalculia?
Video - Read&Write for Google Chrome
Teacher Resources
To access teacher resources and forms visit the Dyslexia Teacher Resource site. This is a teachers-only site and requires an SCS login to access the site.