Coach Hackbarth's 7th grade Science class learned about carbon and nitrogen cycles today in class! Great classroom discussion and questions ! 👊‼️👊‼️🎉🎉🎉🙌🤩 "What happens if ... How does ... Explain ... ". Way to GOOM ! #learningisamazing
about 1 hour ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
#GOOM 6th grade Elective Wheel classes have transitioned into their new rotations this 4th 9 weeks! Mrs. Burgess spent some great class time getting to know her new group of students playing a team building game with her students and building an in class social contract! 👊💥👊💥‼️‼️‼️‼️. #we are respectful. #we are safe. #we are responsible #weareOMMS 🩵❤️🩵❤️🩵🙌🙌🙌🙌
about 2 hours ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Even on a cloudy day, Coach Neeley brings fun and high engagement to his PE classes! This morning it was a fiercely competitive kickball game - Coach Neeley never left the field, encouraging, teaching, and coaching his 8th grade students! 🏃‍♂️❤️💙🏃‍♂️ Way to GOOM!💪
about 3 hours ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Game day !! 🥎🥎🥎
1 day ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Way to GOOM Lady Eagles 🦅 ⛳️ 💥‼️⛳️🏌️‍♀️⛳️🏌️‍♀️
1 day ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
What a beautiful day for a track meet 👊💥👊💥. GOOM 💪💯💪💯🩵❤️🩵❤️ Let's goooo OMMS Track & Field !
1 day ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
#GOOM! The art of conversation and the importance of good communication = being curious and not judgmental! #slowdown #listen #buildrelationships Thankful for time with our faculty yesterday ❤️ OMMS is a great place to be !!
2 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Thank you to Kindoll Romans with Kindoll Romans with Kindoll Romans Travel for providing our faculty and staff with a fabulous muffin and fruit breakfast yesterday for the teacher professional development day ‼️😊‼️😊. We appreciate you very much and thank you for supporting our school ! 💞😊💞😊 If you are needing help with your travel plans - we posted her info for you! 👊💯‼️ #GOOM #SupportLocal
2 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
🎉Excited to share that Oak Mountain Middle School was awarded an AMSTI Robotics Grant for drones to explore more and expand our learning in the classroom! Helping our eagles to soar to even greater heights! 🦅
3 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
robotics Grant
OMMS Boys Golf ⛳️ played at Cumberland Lakes today ! ✅🎉💪 OMMS finished 7th overall and Hudson Brewer finished in the top 10 for individual scores!! Way to GOOM ⬅️⬅️⬅️💥💥💥💯👊
3 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
OMMS softball has a huge win over Bumpus - 12-7!!! 👊🎉👊🎉💪‼️ It was the 1st home game of the season for the Lady Eagles 🥎 🦅 Thank you to the OMMS baseball ⚾️ team for coming to support the girls tonight. #GOOM #teamwork #together 💯🙌💯🙌💥✅
3 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Weather permitting, OMMS softball 🥎 plays Bumpus today @ 5:00pm! GOOM Come support the Lady Eagles 🦅
3 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
We won it all!!! OMMS Softball is the Spain Park tournament Champions!!! #GOOM 👊🙌👊🙌💥❤️🩵‼️‼️‼️🥎🥎🥎
4 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
3 run homer for Libbie Taylor in the game vs Jasper today and a huge win for the Eagles 🦅 Way to GOOM ❤️🩵❤️🩵‼️💥💥💥
5 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
OMMS Softball beat East Samford/Auburn 16-10 !👊🙌👊🙌🩵‼️💥 way to GOOM ✅☺️✅☺️🎉🎉🎉🥎🥎🥎🥎 Hallie Kelly had her 2 second HR of the season ! Boom and GOOM ! Congratulations
6 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Today's OMMS Baseball Game will be against Helena Middle School. The game will be played at Helena High School Fields at 4:30 PM.
6 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
baseball graphic
6th graders in Ms. Riddle's math class were busy reviewing their bell ringers this week which covered mean, median, and mode & preparing for a quiz. They are working hard to finish STRONG the last day of the third quarter! Way to GOOM!💙✖️➗➕➖🟰❤️
6 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
8th graders in Ms. Connor's science class seized every minute of the last day of the 3rd quarter! Students used Cornell Doodle Notes to learn about ionic vs. covalent bonds while others individually conferenced with Ms. Connor for one on one grade check-ins. Students were engaged in learning and empowered to monitor their progress. Way to GOOM! ❤️🔬💙
6 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
OMMS Golf team finished 7th today at our tournament at OM. Top scorers were Hudson Brewer, Will Huner and Drew Scarborough! GOOM ✅👊✅👊💥💥💥‼️🙌🙌🙌
6 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School
Please email with any questions. GOOM. 🏐🏐🏐🏐🏐😎‼️‼️‼️
7 days ago, Oak Mountain Middle School