Student & Parent Resources / PTO
Enrollment / Registration / School Store
Please submit questions to Robin Plyler, Registrar
Office: (205) 682-7251
Fax: (205) 682-7225
Absence Excuses
Email Student Absence Excuses to FOES (
Documents & Information
2 - 5 Year Old Home Instruction
Parent Teacher Leadership and Information (PTO)
President | Sarah Worster |
1st Vice President | Erin Eggler |
2nd Vice President | Amanda Lee |
3rd Vice Presidents (2) | Michelle Schoenfeldt |
Treasurer | Lindsey Sullivan |
Community Liaison | Courtney Armstrong |
Spirit Wear Coordinator | Ashley Joseph |
Volunteer Coordinator | Heather Cooper |
Room Parent Coordinator | Robin Loveless |
Publicity Officer | Lindsey Sullivan |
Secretary | Kendra Gurtler |
Community Fundraising Coordinator | Heather Jeffcoat |
Buildings and Grounds | Sarah Smith |
Staff Appreciation Team (3) | Lauren Elliott |
Popcorn Team (3) | Meagan Esposite |
Shaved Ice Team (3) | Bri Pena |
Event Fundraising Coordinator | Amber Bates |
Teacher Liaison | Leigh Sullivan |
Contact PTO: General Inquiries: Email Forest Oaks Elementary School PTO; President: Email PTO President; Room Parent: Email Room Parent; Volunteer: Email Volunteer
Parent Involvement / Volunteer Opportunities
We encourage and value parental involvement at FOES. We recognize that when parents are active school partners, everyone benefits. Parent involvement opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Sharing special talents
Participating in PTO projects
Assisting with special events such as, classroom parties, field trips, fundraising festivals
Assisting teachers with projects
Participating in school Beautification/ landscaping projects
Eating lunch with your child
Talking to your child's teacher