Parents and families,
The Husky Fun Run is TOMORROW! Tonight is the last night for Donations before our fun run!
We are so close to reaching our goal of $50,000! You can help our school reach our goal by:
SHARING with 5 people from MYBOOSTER.COM
GIVING if you are able
If you haven’t registered, shared, or given, IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Every donation and share counts BIG time toward our goal. We have raised $44,800 and we want to keep the momentum going to reach our goal of $50,000. We can’t wait to celebrate your students and cheer them on tomorrow.
Remember, we also have some fun rewards for our students! The class with the highest number of pledges will earn Howler for a Day! If your student’s class has the most pledges, Howler will attend morning meeting, special, PE, and recess with their class for a day. The class that fundraises the highest amount in each grade will get to Silly String the school Admin!
Thank you for supporting our school.
Helena Elementary

Happy Wednesday, Helena Families!
Our Husky Fun Run is this Friday, November 15!
If you haven’t registered your student on mybooster.com, it's free and easy! Plus, your student will receive a FREE keychain and your family will be entered to win a trip to Disney!
So far, we have 87% of students registered, can we get to 95% by tonight?!
Once you’re registered, make sure to share your student’s pledge link with extended family and friends. And if you are able to, consider making a donation as well. Every share and donation adds up to make a BIG difference for our school.
Tonight’s Challenge: If your student gets a new pledge at MyBooster.com tonight, they can dress like a Princess or Superhero tomorrow!
Thank you for supporting our school!
Helena Elementary

Helena Elementary Families!
The weekend is HERE! I hope you enjoy some much-deserved relaxation this weekend. We are off to a great start to our major Fall fundraiser! We want to remind everyone that the Husky Fun Run is on Nov. 15! Thank you for every share and donation you all have contributed to our fundraiser. We appreciate everyone’s support as we raise funds for Howler’s Home Improvements. If you haven’t registered your student on mybooster.com, it’s free and easy to do this weekend. So far we have 78% of our students registered. Can we get to over 95% over the weekend?
Then, share with extended family and friends. We hope to get a pledge from every state in the country and need your help! And if you are able to, consider making a donation as well. Every share and donation adds up to make a BIG difference for our school and enters your family into earning a trip to Disney!
After the weekend, the top class in each grade will earn popcorn with Howler! 🍿
Thank you for supporting our school. Have a great weekend!
Helena Elementary School

If your child decides to wear their costume tomorrow, please ensure it complies with dress code guidelines. Shoes should be suitable for PE, and masks, swords, and similar items should not be brought to school. Costumes cannot be dropped off at the window if your child forgets to wear theirs. Additionally, please ensure your child can independently remove their costume to use the restroom without assistance. We can’t wait to see everyone in their costumes!

Bus 09-07 will be running 45 minutes late the morning of 9/9/24 and will be on bus 22-02.

We're excited to inform you that your child will be bringing home a new water bottle that was won through a contest, thanks to one of our fantastic teachers. This bottle is your child's to keep & does not need to be brought back to school, as it does not follow our water bottle policy. Thank you for your support!

In order for car rider line to run smoothly, you must alternate cars when transitioning from the two lanes to one. We have a system that we use to line students up and when you do not alternate cars our system fails, things get chaotic, and car rider line runs much longer than it should. Thank you!

We had a fantastic two days at Helena Elementary School! Here are a few important reminders:
*If you haven’t yet completed the transportation form for your child, please do so as soon as possible. This information is essential for your child’s teacher.
*Please note that we cannot accept transportation changes via email. All changes must be submitted in writing and sent in your child’s daily folder.
--A.M. Car Riders: Starting Monday, August 12th, the gate will close at 7:55 a.m.
--P.M. Car Riders: When the two lanes merge into one, please make sure to alternate cars. We follow a system that is both effective and efficient, and proper merging helps maintain this process.
*Car rider lines are quite long, so please help your child learn their number to speed up the process. Remember, the bus is always a great option as well.
Thank you for your cooperation!

Please take a moment to complete your child's transportation for the 2024-2025 school year. We would like to have this information before Meet the Teacher so we can assist you with any questions you may have during your child's Meet the Teacher. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Early morning care is available from 6:30 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Scan the QR code or visit https://forms.gle/o7cuW1vNMP1xYAuS7 to sign up.

We are excited to announce that Helena Elementary is a Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Lighthouse School! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jtXqMVpZzT0pa58GbfghqeFMa-_lJYp1/view?usp=sharing

Have you completed your Blue Ribbon Schools Parent Survey? Please visit http://assessment.blueribbonschools.com/. Remember, your unique code is listed at the bottom of the Parent Letter sent home in your child's backpack. Thank you for your support and participation!

Learn how to keep your kids safe online and set boundaries for cell phone use at Compact's Parent Night: Cell Phone Safety for Youth!
Date and time:
Thursday, April 4;
6:00pm - 7:30pm CDT.
1123 County Services Drive, Pelham, AL 35124.
About this event:
Duration - 1 hour 30 minutes.
Reserve your spot on eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/compact-parent-night-cell-phone-safety-for-youth-tickets-862977548077.
View Facebook Event - https://www.facebook.com/share/hCPquoFw7Nrj6VLv/?mibextid=9l3rBW.

If you would like to propose revisions or changes to the 2024-2025 Shelby County Schools Code of Conduct, please scan the QR Code below and complete this Code of Conduct Suggestions Form by February 23, 2024.

All Shelby County Schools will resume normal operations on Thursday, January 18. We are excited to welcome our students and staff back!

Shelby County Schools will remain closed on Wednesday, January 17 due to winter weather conditions, including the forecast of a hard freeze overnight. There are still areas of the county experiencing icy road conditions that are not likely to improve until temperatures rise above freezing midday on Wednesday. We anticipate being back to a normal school schedule on Thursday.

Due to the threat of winter weather and extreme temperatures, all Shelby County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, and students will transition to remote learning. All after-school activities are also canceled. We are also monitoring the weather for Wednesday morning and will announce school delays or closures as we receive more detailed weather information.

Due to the threat of severe weather, specifically straight-line winds causing downed trees and powerlines on Friday, January 12, all Shelby County Schools will be closed and students will transition to remote learning. All after-school activities are also canceled.
Schools will be closed on Monday, January 15 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. We are also monitoring the weather for Tuesday morning and will announce school delays or closures as we receive more detailed weather information.

NEW Student Enrollment and RETURNING Student Registration -
S.C.O.R.E (registration program) will open for registration/enrollment of new and returning students for SY23-24 on April 10, 2023.

Spring Break Mar. 27 - 31. Schools and offices closed