Student & Parent Resources
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Enrollment / Registration / School Store
Please submit questions to Jennifer Hebson, Registrar
Office: (205) 682-6502
Fax: (205) 682-6505
Absence Excuses
Email Student Absence Excuses to CAIS (
Parents - Please remember ALL students must turn in an absence excuse within 3 days of returning to school. This is required of all students regardless of their home school.
Daily Schedule
Normal Schedule
The school building opens at 7:15 a.m. Students will not be allowed in the building before 7:15 a.m.
School ends at 2:50 p.m. Students should be picked up by 3:15 p.m.
Inclement Weather/School Closings or Early Dismissals
In the event of inclement weather, please listen to local radio and television stations for school information. If school must be dismissed early due to bad weather, regular bus routes will be followed unless other information is given by the media.
For a more complete understanding of arrivals and departures including tardies and checkouts, please read the Student Handbook or contact the school.
Student Services Resources
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
President : Shannon Buse
Vice president: Lindsey Bryant
Secretary: Shaquoya Ivy
Treasurer: Lindsey Drumheller
Volunteer Coordinator: Abby Lockhart
Communications Coordinator: Keli Harmon