About Helena Middle

HMS - View from Front Driveway
We, at Helena Middle School, aspire to create a rigorous and differentiated curriculum, to prepare all students as they become College and Career ready in a global and diverse world.
Helena Middle School is part of the Shelby County Schools district. It is a public school for students living in Helena, Alabama. There are over 1000 students in grades sixth through eighth and there are over 80 faculty and staff members. Helena Middle School's mascot is the Husky and the school colors are blue, silver, and black.
The mission of Helena Middle School is to strive for academic excellence by promoting a supportive and positive culture.
Learning takes place in an environment that is safe and secure for students and staff.
Education is a collaborative effort among faculty, staff, students, and parents.
Each student has the right to learn and each student can learn.
The school environment promotes dignity, respect, and accountability.