boy and girl reading books with a globe behind them

Library Policies

Mission Statement

The mission of the Helena Intermediate School Library is to support the overall instructional program of the school by providing faculty and students with print and non-print resources in a collaborative environment, delivering instruction related to information literacy, integrating content from other curricular areas, and encouraging an appreciation for literature and an enjoyment for reading in order to instill a passion for lifelong learning in the patrons we serve.

Library Operation

  1. The Library will be open each day for students from 7:30-2:30.

  2. Students at Helena Intermediate School may check out up to two books at a time.

  3. The check-out period is two weeks.  Students may renew their materials as needed for completion.

  4. Students are issued a library card at the beginning of the school year.  Library cards are kept in each homeroom teacher’s box in the library.  

  5. Students can check out audiobooks on CD with accompanying CD player (when available) or PlayAways that use the same device. Students are encouraged to use their own earbuds or headphones.

  6. Reference materials are to be used in the library only.  (Faculty members may check out these materials.)

  7. Students with overdue books and/or lost, missing, or damaged books will not be allowed to check out books until materials are returned or paid for.

  8. Students are responsible to pay full price for lost, missing, or damaged books.

  9. Students do not pay fines for overdue books.

  10. Students are asked to exhibit self-control and responsible behavior in the library, and to treat materials with care.

  11. Students who abuse the library facility and/or library materials may have their privileges interrupted for a period of time as the situation is handled.

Teacher Information

  1. The Library will open the first full week of school for orientation lessons and check-out.

  2. From 8:30-2:30 each day the library will only be open for the scheduled classes.

  3. From 7:30-8:30 students may return their finished book and check out a new book if needed.  

  4. In addition to the student hours, teachers may come before or after school to check out materials, to collaborate on lessons, or for any other library business.

  5. COLLABORATION:  I look forward to collaborating on lessons and units to enhance learning for our students!  Please let me know how I can assist you.  Teachers may schedule lessons by emailing a request to Jill Davis or through collaborative conversations.  If emailing, please fill out this collaborative document. When scheduling research or doing a project in the classroom, I would like to have a copy of the assignment.  I will use this information to determine future purchases, to plan lessons, and to document collaborative use of the library.

  6. BOOK SEARCH:  Teachers and students can search for books and resources by opening Destiny ( Students will log in through Clever to access e-books.

  7. BOOK LIST:  Create a book list/bibliography in Destiny by dragging and dropping to “my personal list”.  You can then print the list and bring it with you to the library.

  8. BOOK REQUEST:  If you create a book list of requested resources and email it to me (, I will be happy to pull those books, check them out to you, and deliver them to the classroom (when possible).  When you are finished using the materials, you can return them in your book crate.  This will save you time in searching the collection, checking out and returning books.

  9. WEBSITES:  If you are looking for quality, age-appropriate websites, use Destiny.  Type in a search term and click “enter”.  Then click the websites tab at the top.  Guide students to choose elementary websites from those listed in the Destiny database.  When the cursor hovers over a ‘hit’, it provides recommended ages for that site.  Also, use the Alabama Virtual Library for research.  They have many valuable databases that are great for student research.  I have also included a list of research websites on the Library’s website.

  10. DESTINY APP:  There is a Destiny Discover app.  When downloading the app, you will be asked to type in the URL of the catalog to link to.  Type in and click on Helena Intermediate School.  After logging in to our school’s catalog the first time, you will not have to login again.

  11. RESOURCES:  In addition to fiction, nonfiction, biographies, picture books, and bilingual books, we have a professional teacher collection, DVDs (PG ratings must have parent approval), audiobooks, literature sets, STEM resources and more.

  12. If you need to request videos or other materials, please email your request to Jill Davis or send a student with a written request.  Occasionally, two or more teachers will need the same video at approximately the same time.  Every effort will be made to ensure that each teacher can have the video when they need it.  To facilitate this, please return videos promptly after showing them to your class.

Please remember that all videos used should be curriculum related and documented in your lesson plans.  All audio visual materials used should be previewed by the teacher prior to classroom use.

Student Volunteers

"Shelf Elves"

Students in the fifth grade can apply to be a Shelf Elf.  Students should have good character, work hard, and strive to succeed academically.  Shelf elves come once a week in the morning or the afternoon.  

Morning Shelf Elves:

  1. Shelve books from the yellow cart based on their section.  Students will put books in the correct order on the shelves.

  2. Put out library cards for the first class of the day.

  3. Put out iPads when needed.

  4. Turn on computers in the lab.

Afternoon Shelf Elves:

  1. Remove all library books from library crates and sort on yellow cart.

  2. Plug in iPads if needed.

  3. Clean tables and shelves.

  4. Return library crates to the classrooms.

Adult Volunteers

Our library is a very busy place and volunteers are used to help us maintain our library and serve our students and teachers in a timely manner.  Below are some of the ways our volunteers serve in our facility:

  1. “Read” shelves to make sure resources are in the correct places

  2. Dust and straighten shelves

  3. Supervise Makerspace activities

  4. Work the Book Fair

  5. Help on Special Event Days

Book Fairs

Helena Intermediate School Library hosts a book fair each year.  A parent volunteer helps chair the book fair under the supervision of the library media specialist.  Other parent volunteers will assist students, teachers, and parents in finding books to purchase or working a cash register.