Meet Your Librarian
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amcdickinson@ shelbyed.org
About "Mrs. Mac" aka Mrs. Amber McDickinson
Mrs. Mac's Education
M.Ed., Library Media, University of West Alabama, May 2020
Ed.S, Special Education: Gifted & Talented, University of Alabama, August 2011
M.Ed., Elementary Education and Technology, Jacksonville State University, May 2007
B.S., Elementary Education, Jacksonville State University, May 2004
Associates in Science Degree, Snead State Community College, December 2022
Advanced High School Diploma, Fayetteville High School, May 2000
Mrs. Mac's Certifications
State of Alabama Teaching Certificate
6/23/2020 - 6/30/2025 [Valid]
Professional Certificate -
Issued on 3/19/2012
Class AA, Special Education (049)
Grade Level: P-12
Gifted (0J3)
Professional Certificate -
Issued on 6/8/2010
Class A, Special Education (047)
Grade Level: P-12
Gifted (0J3)
Professional Certificate -
Issued on 6/12/2007
Class A, Elementary (76A)
Grade Level: K-6
Elementary Education (0N1)
Professional Certificate -
Issued on 9/14/2004
Class B, Elementary (75A)
Grade Level: K-6
Elementary Education (0N1)
Highly-Qualified Teacher Eligibility Reviewed On 10/12/2004
Core Academic Subjects, Including Reading (0N1) ; Grades: K-6
CPI Certified
Holds a Class B CDL License with Passenger and School Bus Endorsements
Mrs. McDickinson's Philosophy of Education
As a media specialist, librarian, or teacher, I am preparing children for a life full of learning and love of books. It is my goal to successfully provide the children I teach with the best education possible; one that promotes social, emotional, and academic development, while at the same time, supplying students with the scaffolding and tools they need to grow as readers and learners who will be college and career ready. To do this, it is my job to assist teachers and students, ensuring our school library and STEAM lab is an environment allowing for individual differences and encouraging individual growth.
I grew up with the desire to be like the teachers who inspired me to enjoy reading and learning. I feel my instruction should be designed with the students’ needs in mind, and that will allow them to enjoy books and learning just as I did. The various trainings I have received, both through the school system and from degree advancement have helped prepare me to best serve my students. However I feel the most important lessons I have learned have been from my students. Phil Collins once said, “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” This is so very true. I learn from my students every day. I use what I learn from them to guide my instruction and planning. I also learn what works and what doesn’t.
Technology has also been a passion of mine as long as I can remember. It intrigued me, to find out as many varied and unusual ways I could use it; first when I was in school and later in college and then in my own classroom. Technology can be employed in the media center or classroom in many ways, but I feel it is most useful as a tool to inspire creativity in my students. It is my job as a media specialist/teacher to provide the knowledge; technology helps provide an outlet for expression. Tim Hansen best put it, "Creativity is especially expressed in the ability to make connections, to make associations, to turn things around and express them in a new way." I feel this is the goal of technology in my lessons. My students have certainly shown me that using technology can make learning more fun and enjoyable!
Yet, I feel the most important lesson I have learned from each of my students over the years is; we are a family. You cannot pick your family, just as you can’t pick which students walk into your classroom each year in August. However, the love I have for teaching and for my students is unparalleled. “You can pay people to teach, but you can’t pay them to care.” (Marva Collins) Regardless of disability or behavior, I am devoted to offering ALL students I work with the highest quality education, and support, academically, socially and emotionally, that I can provide.
Sample Library Media Research Conducted
by Mrs. McDickinson
McDickinson, A.K. (2020). Literacy and the library educator [Research]. University of West Alabama.
McDickinson, A. K. (2020). Library services critique [Research]. University of West Alabama.
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