CHMS Volleyball
Hustle, Hit and Never Quit!!
Volleyball Calendar
Volleyball tryouts are held in the spring each year for rising 7th and 8th graders. Any girls interested in participating in tryouts must have an account in Dragonfly and must be at 100% for the current school year. CLICK HERE for instructions for parents to create this account and upload information. All forms should be signed for the current school year.
This site is an amazing resource to educate yourself about volleyball. It was created by a very talented coach and I recommend that you check it out. On the Homepage, it has an amazing summary of the 3 offenses available to us. We intend to run a 6-2 because it will help us train more setters to send to the high school program.
The Terminology page is imperative for all to know. If you can become familiar with the language of volleyball, it will help all instruction at camp and in practices become more understandable. We will go over most of this terminology over the summer in our open gyms and all players will be expected to know it by August 3rd at our first practice.
On the 6-2 System page, there is a very detailed explanation of the offense and defensive coverage positions. These aren’t exactly where we will have you necessarily, but it’s a really good description and can at least give an idea of the concept. Locations of defensive coverage really depends on the strength of your block. The block is designed to take away certain areas of the court where we don’t have players covering. So for an outside hitter from the other team, our right side should take away the line shot and when our middle closes in, that should take away the cross court shot so that all we have left to cover is off-speed stuff that should be easier to pick up. At our level, I’m not sure what kind of talent we will face in hitting, but if we prepare for the best, we should be able to take down the rest! LOL.
The Hitting Approach is awesome. There is a slow-motion video of him doing his approach and hitting a ball, and there are images of each position you must go through along with terminology so we can discuss each part of the approach so you know where you are messing up.
The Volleyball Skills page explains a lot of things that can help you as you practice on your own.
The Personal Skills page is great too. It provides links to all YouTube videos on Serving, Passing, Setting, Spiking, Blocking and Moving.